This is a work-in-progress stuff pack to make your very own UK-based bakery chain Greggs in the Sims.
This is not endorsed by Greggs at all, but if they want to give me a lifetime supply of vegan sausage rolls they are more than welcome to.
What is included?
- Uniform: Full Body - Apron, in feminine and masculine versions
- Cap: Hat
I don't like that there are 'feminine' and 'masculine' labels when it really means does the model have breasts but this is how Sims 4 labels them in game...

Build mode
Search for 'greggs'
- Greggs sign: Signage for your Greggs. (Requires Get to Work expansion pack)

Game Requirements
- Base game for uniform.
- Get to Work for the sign (and if you want to make a bakery...)
- The uniform are recolors of the apron and cap in the base game.
- The sign is a recolor of the Get to Work "Backlit Screen Print Sign, From Andre's Big Banners"
- Gregg's logo made with the Nootrasim Simlish font by Franzilla
- Made with Sims 4 Studio
- Thanks to Anna for feedback and testing
Planned additions
- Sausage rolls (with vegan variant)
- Bakes (with vegan variant)
- Coffee/tea to go cups
- More posters/propaganda
- Various Greggs clutter
If you're interested, the resources and work-in-progress files are over on GitHub.